The History of Whoo
THE HISTORY OF WHOO Bichup Self-Generating Anti-Aging Essence 2pcs Special Set 韩国后 秘贴自生精华2件套装组
THE HISTORY OF WHOO Bichup Self-Generating Anti-Aging Essence 2pcs Special Set
Environmental factors can cause stress to the skin and accelerate its ageing. Therefore, it is vital to protect the skin's defence barrier against the urban environment. The Bichup Self-Generating Anti-Aging Essence strengthens the skin barrier to regain radiance and vitality. The essence contains three secret Korean royal complexes: GongJinBiDan, GyeongOkBiDan and ChungSimBiDan; as well as the super ChoJaHaBiDan to repair and regenerate the skin.
Set Includes:
- Jinyulhyang Jinyul Balancer 150ml
- Jinyulhyang Jinyul Lotion 110ml
- Cheongidan Radiant Rejuvenating Balancer 25ml
- Cheongidan Radiant Rejuvenating Emulsion 25ml
- Cheongidan Nutritive Essential Ampoule Concentrate 8ml
- Cheongidan Radiant Soft Foam Cleanser 35ml
韩国后 秘贴自生精华2件套装组
秘贴自生精华于过去11年,一直是韩国女性抗衰老精华的最强回购精华之一。The history of Whoo秘贴自生精华,延续产品一直沿用的皇室宫廷养颜秘方的珍贵成份,研发超凡追踪及自我修复肌肤问题的重点成分—紫河秘丹,将原有配方功效精华主要成分功效增强10倍成就出「紫河秘贴Complex」强化肌肤再生,延缓潜在肌肤老化问题,提升肌肤防御力,令用家真正打造充满能量,健康的自生美肌。
- 秘贴 自生精华 50ml
- 秘贴 自生精华 20ml
- 天气丹 华炫重生水 25ml
- 天气丹 华炫重生乳液 25ml
- 天气丹 华炫润泽安瓶 8ml
- 天气丹 华炫柔肤洁面霜 35ml