The History of Whoo
THE HISTORY OF WHOO Hwanyu Imperial Youth Contour Eye Cream Set 韩国后 还幼眼霜套装组
15 Years of Research on Wild Ginseng to Reveal the Secret of its Power
Harnessing the power of wild ginseng grown for more than 260,000 hours and around 70 precious herbal ingredients, the reinvented formulas developed by Whoo research institute in Korea can support cellular recovery at the beginning of the skin cycle, creating an environment that rebalances the skin and reveals its youthfulness.
The Imperial Youth Balancer is enriched with not only the whole wild ginseng, but also the Imperial Ginsenium (developed after 15 years of research on wild ginseng), to rejuvenate the skin. Imperial Ginsenium can reinforce the foundation of youthful skin, enhancing the effectiveness of the precious and rare ingredients. Skin is nourished from within to combat increasingly severe environmental challenges and various unexpected external stressors, preventing the acceleration of skin aging.
What is in the box
- Hwanyu Imperial Youth Contour Eye Cream 25ml & 4ml
- Hwanyu Imperial Youth First Serum 15ml
- Hwanyu Imperial Youth Balancer 25ml
- Hwanyu Imperial Youth Emulsion 25ml
- Hwanyu Imperial Youth Recovery Serum 7ml
后 还幼眼霜套装组
大师级面霜- 还幼膏蕴含15%高浓缩的还幼复合物,以奢华成分和草本调配理论精心研究出的逆转时光之作,质地丰盈,含天然松茸香味,含有四种君成分,加上约70种解决五行肌肤问题的珍贵汉方成分,以最佳的配方组合技术, 有效还原肌肤于10年前的状态,令皮肤再生,有效减淡细纹、更可改善八字纹等的深纹和弹性问题,同时平衡肤色亮泽肌肤。
- 还幼眼霜25ml & 4ml
- 还幼凝颜本初肌底精华15ml
- 还幼凝颜水25ml
- 还幼凝颜乳液25ml
- 还幼津液7
- 还幼膏4ml