Paul & Joe Spring 2024 Refreshing Mist (03 Bitter Orange) Paul & Joe 2024春季限定 清爽保湿喷雾 (03 苦橙) 80ml
Paul & Joe 2024 Refreshing Mist (03 Bitter Orange)
Immerse your whole body in aromatic bliss, refreshing your mind with the ease of slipping into a fresh outfit!
Whole-body sensory delight of scent and moisture in a formula blissfully comfortable to wear: Meet our full-body mist designed for enjoying different scents as casually as you switch outfits.
The product is offered in five fragrances evocative of cafés attached to florists, a common sight in Paris. Bursting with the scents and sights of flowers and greenery, these establishments are characterized also by their wafting aromas of desserts and beverages, and by the lively, cheerful chatter of their Parisian clientele.
03 Bitter Orange
Succumb to the refreshing “Bitter Orange” mist.
This floral mist is composed of notes of lemon, orange, bergamot, petitgrain, musk, neroli, rose, jasmine and orange blossom.
*Made in JAPAN
Paul & Joe 2024春季限定 清爽保湿喷雾
使用起来愉悦舒适,为全身增添怡人香气和滋润水分,带来多重感官享受:适合全身使用的喷雾,像神奇的衣橱,随心所欲享受不同的香气,像换衣服一样简单。对巴黎女性来说,香味是彰显个性和风格的重要元素,他们的生活方式是 PAUL & JOE 丰富的灵感泉源。 今年冬天, PAUL & JOE 首度推出 REFRESHING MIST,一款全身适用的喷雾,透过令人着迷的香气,在补充水分的同时,焕发幸福又舒适的感觉。 喷雾配方最独特之处,在于能传递香气而不会过份浓烈,可以像换衣服一样跟着场合和心情轻松变换。精心设计的产品,让全身被超幼细的喷雾笼罩,瀰漫愉悦迷人的香气,沐浴在保湿水分之中,带来随兴享受香气的新方式,尽情感受 PAUL & JOE 香水世界的魔力。