Dr. Arrivo 宙斯

Dr.Arrivo the Zeus Swarovski(Gold) Face Device + PE Essence 40ml


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About the product:

Electrona state-of-the-art to run through skin. Two bodily sensation, five functions.

- The "MFIP/ ultra pulse" to send beauty ingredient patent acquisition
We make use of effect of liquid cosmetics ingredient to the maximum by carrying two kinds of output capability.

- "EMS" to fix face line
Micro wave caused by feeble electric current works on facial striated muscle.

- "In middle and high schools cycles" which sit on skin
We gradually warm skin from the inside.

- "MFIP" to send beauty ingredient to

MFIP means medium frequency intermittent continuation pulse. We can expect shiatsu and bodily sensation such as tapping that esthetician performs by spreading ultra pulse intermittently.

日本DR.ARRIVO 宙斯美容仪提拉紧致祛皱美容器导入仪第五代美容仪#带钻 ...Skinnote | The Zeus (Swarovski Existence)ARTISTIC & CO Dr. Arrivo The Zeus (Swarovski Existence)



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