Paul & Joe - Spring/Summer 2018 April in Paris Collection Lipstick CS Rouge Refill 3.5g [3 Colors] PAUL&JOE 四月巴黎系限量唇膏内芯 [多色选择]

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Paul & Joe Spring/Summer 2018 April in Paris Collection Lipstick CS Rouge Refill

Lips get a pop of glossy color with "Lipstick CS" in bright red (French Pop), romantic pink (Rue Crémieux) and orange (Rue Montorgueil) shades. The lipstick refill can be purchased alone or with a case decorated with prints from the Paul & Joe spring/summer 2018 collection.

PAUL&JOE 四月巴黎系限量唇膏内芯
PAUL&JOE 2018年春季系列有一个浪漫的名字【April in Paris】,仿佛漫步在四月的巴黎,塞纳河水潺潺,巴黎的春风微甜。

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