D-UP Airy Curl Lash #6 Long false eyelashes 2 pairs (4 pcs)日本D-UP空气感轻盈卷曲系列#06假眼睫毛 2 pairs (4 pcs)


Only 2 pieces in stock!

Product Feature:

Beautifully curled up lashes just like getting a lash lift. Seamlessly blend with your natural lashes.

A curl that rises up from the root and curls upward can help you maintain your optimum curl for the whole day.

The delicate axis and natural texture of the eyelashes give the area around the eyes a light finish and cozy appearance.

How to Use:

  1. Grab edge of the lash with tweezers and gently remove from the case.
  2. Hold both edges of the lash to bend and stretch about 10 times.
  3. Cut the lashes depends on the size of your eyes.
  4. Coat the top of the lash band evenly with a layer of eye lash glue. Let it sit for about 30 seconds or so.
  5. Close your eyelid and place the lashes as close to your natural lash line as possible.
  6. Look down and gently press the lash onto your eyelid starting at center, then inner, ending on the outer side.

*Product of Japan






  1. 调整睫毛尺寸 - 将假睫毛与你的睫毛线对齐,可裁减多余部分
  2. 涂上胶水 - 沿着假睫毛根部轻轻涂上胶水,等待30秒
  3. 贴上假睫毛 - 眼睛向下看,对准睫毛边际,按照正中间,眼尾,眼角的顺序贴上
  4. 完成 - 趁胶水未干透,用手指调整好角度即可。(如需重复使用,请勿刷睫毛膏)



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