Tip 1: After cleaning and toning, apply a small amount (around the size of an HKD 5 coin) to the face. Can also be applied using a cotton pad to decrease the potential chilly feeling of the lotion.
Tip 2: Apply evenly to the face, then gently pat into the skin until it is fully absorbed.
Tip 3: Use greater amounts around visible pores and areas of higher sebum production, such as a T-zone.
全新第4代生肌水源素,加入升级智能人工水层Aqua Presenter III,为肌肤筑起高密度人造水分膜层及锁水屏障,迅间渗透及持久锁紧水分,为肌肤顷注大量水分,改善粗糙问题及预防成人暗疮,成就弹滑饱满素肌。
Tips 1:可于洁面及柔肤水后,以化妆棉取约1元硬币大小分量使用。如使用量不足,容易令化妆棉起毛,难以赋予冰凉感。
Tips 2:均匀涂于肌肤后,以手腕向上方式,轻拍肌肤。
Tips 3:可特别集中于毛孔较粗大的部位及皮脂分泌较多的T区