John's Blend Redd Diffuser (Musk Jasmine)
Musk Jasmine:A refreshing, highly fragrant musk jasmine scent. Based on the popular white musk, the highly fragrant Jasmine scent is added to the special blend of refreshing sweetness and glamour.
Fill your room with your favorite scent. A fragrance diffuser in which the stick inhales the fragrance when it is inserted into the diffuser. The fragrance spreads well, making it ideal for living spaces such as living rooms and bedrooms.
The fragrance will be well spread in the room if you place this on where it gets the most air flow.
*scent last about 3 mounths.
日本JOHN’S BLEND 藤条香氛 (茉莉麝香)
茉莉麝香: 馥郁芬芳
比起香氛蜡烛,这款香薰 无需点火,开盖把藤条插入瓶中就可以散发香味了 ,没有明火,不会有安全隐患。非常适合放在卧室、车里、办公桌上、卫生、衣柜、鞋柜等各个角落, 可以直接替代了空气清新剂使用,让家中到处充满香气~
藤条可以让扩香速度变得更快, 香薰液里还特别添加了 植物消臭成分 ,不单单是掩盖异味!John's Blend的香薰配有8根扩香藤条,可以根据放置的环境面积和通风情况调整条数,放在大空间里用特别适合,一瓶可以用3个月左右。