Universal Studios Japan 日本环球影城

USJ Night Time Tim Plush 日本环球影城 晚安Tim熊星星公仔


USJ Winter Break Snowman Tim Plush

Cute Tim wearing a nightcap will heal you! Decorate your room with Tim sitting on a star-shaped cushion and always be with him.

Size: About W33cm x H34cm x D30cm
Material: Polyester

日本环球影城 寒假系列小黄人雪人Tim熊玩偶公仔

可爱的Tim熊戴着睡帽会治愈你! 装饰你的房间,让Tim熊坐在星形垫子上,并永远和他在一起。

尺寸:约W33cm x H34cm x D30cm
材质: 涤纶


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